When I Grow Up
Hook me like a fish I LOVE a good pop song: This just isn't one of them. The sound created here is a "Spicey" sound that grates on the ear. The percussion is great. The lyrics need not be profound, for a pop song. It's the harmony, the girl's voices don't jive as a whole. I think Nicole's voice should be out in front, that would improve this song to a solid 4 stars.
Hook me like a fish I LOVE a good pop song: This just isn't one of them. The sound created here is a "Spicey" sound that grates on the ear. The percussion is great. The lyrics need not be profound, for a pop song. It's the harmony, the girl's voices don't jive as a whole. I think Nicole's voice should be out in front, that would improve this song to a solid 4 stars.