Always keepin it simple! not only is she keeping it simple she's also keeping it true to her style,only thing she used to be so versatile i wonder what happened she used be a great dancer i wonder if she'll make that kind music she made when she first came out. love the song anyway
So This When it comes down to Pink, this past year has been a tough one for her, with her breakup with her sports skater husband, she shows a much-more tongue and cheek approach to showing she is still standing, unlike Jessica Simpson and Britney Spears who've shown that they have crashed and burned much further in their careers and their personal lives. So What, the first single from her upcoming 5th album Undecided isn't a bad song, and brings in the feelings with depth and strength. While the song isn't as strong as her earlier songs, the well-showcased Stupid Girls, or Don't Let Me Get Me, it still shows she is trying to survive, and not let her get herself pushed all the way down. Hopefully, when her record comes out, she'll drive the feeling all the way home.
Song: C 1/2+
Catchy but the riffs during the chorus are overly-blaring. And that makes it loud and hurtful on the ears, if you were to use ear buds.
Still, it's a fun song, not ground-breaking or anything but funny all the same. It makes you wonder though: which way is Pink gonna go on her next outing?
I can't fathom what the end result will be but I'm sure it'll still be rock-oriented.
Overall, a decent effort.
3.5 stars.
end note: At first it seems silly but after you give it a few plays it gets better. Also, as a fan I'm actually sad that her and her ex-hubby couldn't work things out...he divorced her in February of this year.
So This When it comes down to Pink, this past year has been a tough one for her, with her breakup with her sports skater husband, she shows a much-more tongue and cheek approach to showing she is still standing, unlike Jessica Simpson and Britney Spears who've shown that they have crashed and burned much further in their careers and their personal lives. So What, the first single from her upcoming 5th album Undecided isn't a bad song, and brings in the feelings with depth and strength. While the song isn't as strong as her earlier songs, the well-showcased Stupid Girls, or Don't Let Me Get Me, it still shows she is trying to survive, and not let her get herself pushed all the way down. Hopefully, when her record comes out, she'll drive the feeling all the way home.
Song: C 1/2+
Catchy but the riffs during the chorus are overly-blaring. And that makes it loud and hurtful on the ears, if you were to use ear buds.
Still, it's a fun song, not ground-breaking or anything but funny all the same. It makes you wonder though: which way is Pink gonna go on her next outing?
I can't fathom what the end result will be but I'm sure it'll still be rock-oriented.
Overall, a decent effort.
3.5 stars.
end note: At first it seems silly but after you give it a few plays it gets better. Also, as a fan I'm actually sad that her and her ex-hubby couldn't work things out...he divorced her in February of this year.